Week #11 – One Step at a Time is not too difficult – Walk with a Mastermind Group

If you would have told me that after 11 weeks, the steps to Success would boil down to just 4 simple steps I would not have done all this work. But I had to to get to this awakening of my subconscious to fully grasp the daily steps, readings, affirmations, visuals necessary to reprogram my old blueprint of failure and fear. Og Mandino shares with us : “Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road, Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner.”

The Success we achieve in life is from the Journey, not the Destination, and this #MKMMA journey is certainly changing me within!

The question was posed by Mark on our training this week,” Would your Creator give less to you then a butterfly?” That is a powerful illustration of our thinking that we are not worthy or think less of ourselves so often. The Mental Diet and all the Master Key readings have drilled into my Subby knocking off the cement that I am worthy, I can have “WHATSOEVER MY HEART DESIRES IF I ONLY BELIEVE IT IS DONE! Then our Subby goes to work to manifest it.” Well this is my version of what that means.

Really though, this has already been happening on Autopilot just as Mark shared it would! Its amazing! Opportunities dropping in my lap, doors opening, money flowing as God already knew we would need a large amount for car repairs, college tuition, etc. Miracles are happening all around and its all due to Law Of Attraction and Believing!


I think of the Disney movies I grew up with that were all princesses and their Dream of marrying a prince, living happily ever after. Well now that thought is real to me! I can and AM Living Happily Ever After NOW! not tomorrow! I am Whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving, Harmonious and HAPPY NOW!

Cheers to Living your DREAM NOW!


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Week #10 – Vision + Action= Pupose : A Tribute to Dr. Myles Munroe

I want to begin with a confession. I jumped ahead by one day to read the Scroll Marked III, Og Mandino. It was a challenging weekend and I desperately needed a new word/affirmation to focus on and it is exactly what I needed to hear – “I WILL PERSIST UNTIL I SUCCEED! ” BAM! Powerful words and a very strong chapter this is for December finishing the year strong, in all areas for me. I took this to mean stay strong, diligent, don’t waver, ” The prizes of Life are at the end of the Journey, not the beginning.”

Those words couldn’t be more true as there was also an event that struck me deeply, the loss of a man I had the esteemed pleasure of meeting personally and hearing speak from stage several times, Dr Myles Munroe.


He was killed last week in a place crash heading back to his home in the Bahamas, with his wife and staff from his ministry. All 9 were killed. As soon as I heard this my heart fell, as he was one of the speakers that I connected with and it was because he taught with vigor, and truth from the Word of God instilling into me leadership principles.

One of my favorite quotes was: ” Mark your territory like a Lion!! and take your land like a heard! God already has it there for you so go after it.” His most famous is ” Die Empty!!” His Keys for Vision, Leadership, Discovering Your Potential and many of his other books, I have many pages marked and have reread over and over, just as we are reading Master Key and Greatest Salesman. Repetition is critical for learning and changing our old blueprints as I have now learned so well.


As I scanned my favorite key quotes, this one seemed to really be spot on with where I ma in week #10 of Master Key,

“At the time when we recognize our Visions, we are usually not ready for them. We don’t have the ability to handle the big things that we are dreaming. We don’t have the experience or the character for them. God prepares us to receive and work in our visions. “

This is so true of discovering our Definite Major Purpose and Personal Pivotable Needs, and define them so clearly and distinctly, now we have begun to bombard our mind with all of the ways of learning in order to attract that to us.

The father that dwells within us does the work is in alignment with Dr Munroe teaching and confirms we are headed to our DREAMS!! ” We decree a Thing and it shall be established unto thee.” THOUGHT – BELIEF – VISION all from GOD, powers we have within us, the World Within! I seek to do the same, speak from stage, empower others to fulfill their purpose by training/teaching, cheer them on to a Immeasureably More Life!

Thank you Dr Myles Munroe for meeting with me, speaking words into my life, and feeding the Visions of so many and calling us to Action, to DIE EMPTY!! Blessings and know you are having an incredible Celebration in Heaven!!

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Week #9 LOVE Really can change the world!

This week has had many strong moments for me, one especially with my son, in which I realized my actions speak LOUDER than my words. I know I have heard this, said it, and believed it, but never seen it come to reality stronger than it did this week. When our children catch on to this amazing program we are learning and it changes our households, WOW, then the World WILL BE A BETTER PLACE. “I Greet this Day with Love in my Heart”, Scroll 2 of Greatest Salesman, as I focus this month for readings. Enjoy this rendition of this classic song. As Love for ourselves, and Others really is the KEY to changing the world within, to bring about the world without.

Put a Little Love in your Heart

Alot of achievements to share as I caught myself disengaging from negative talk ( 7 Day mental Diet) as I was on a roll, several days committed and would simply say, I’m sorry, I have to go, and leave or hang up the phone. Even to my husband, family, church friends, its amazing how much time is waste don negative talk!! To do this automatically is not me!! I love to chat, engage with people, and to stop and redirect myself on autopilot was extraordinary to experience this week. Things are starting to happen without thought!! Now the opinion area is my weakest and I continue to struggle to not give mine, lol. So I see this as my crutch I must put more effort into.

As we are becoming more aware of our thoughts, and our surroundings we are truly in control of it all!! Master Key7:7 was reminded to me by a friend and fellow student in MKMMA, that as we Master these Keys, the METHODS AND FRIENDS will appear. Thats exactly what happened last week! Twice I got a call from a Friend for a Method to Achieve my DMP, the earnings I am believing to obtain my PPNs!!! How cool is that! They are not as bodacious of goals as I once thought when I first wrote them down, in fact, I may up them a bit more now!! Nothing is impossible, we can attract that which we desire, with unbridled Enthusiasm!! A million dollas in earnings by Jan 31, 2016 I have spoken out loud multiple times a day for 9 weeks now, and read my DMP just before going to bed. Now I see the doors of the Universe opening to bring the Methods!! WOW, its incredible what we have in our hands to obtain, using the Master Keys!!!

This video is really a sequence of where we started in #MKMMA and where we will finish. I would like to ask you to watch this short 7 minute video and especially pay attention at minute 6 on.

Heros Journey

Cheers to you all and keep Believing!!!!

Wendy Abner

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Week #8 – Past point of no return – Want to Run away?

Honesty check here, my first live webcast I knew I would miss and I am paying the price catching up. The analogy of why I missed it is compelling as to the same type of exercise we must give to the MK – 8-17. “The power from within must be developed, cultivated, unfolded, trained, and we must be receptive, just as physical strength is gained – thru Exercise”.

Climbing Horrible Hundred Route in Clermont Florida

Climbing Horrible Hundred Route in Clermont Florida

I had trained for over 8 months for this cycle race in the hills of Clermont Fl, Yes we do have hills in Florida, over 3500 ft of climbing. I rode outdoors 2-3 days a week, 35 miles, pacing, pulling, climbing, and indoor training 3-4 days a week , along with TRX strength training. I had to prepare my  body by challenging my legs, my core, my mental capacity to see past the pain, past the distnaces ahead of me, and see me at the finish, conquoring the 75 niles of hills. This was no easy task, probably my most difficult ride ever. I finished strong, passed many great climbers up the hills, and felt strong afterwards. All as a result of my training, Exercising!!  both body and Mind!! On several climbs when my legs were screaming and I was hoping a flat was next, there was yet a steeper hill and I had to mentally say to myself, outloud, Do it NOW, Do it NOW. I can be what I Will to be!! had to go right to the Subby to summon the Power from Within to not walk my bike and give up, but to Persevere!

Since we have been using these statements for weeks now, I reached for them for encouragement, inspiration, to continue on my journey up the hills, no matter how sore my legs were, no matter how exhausted I was, I pursued and the feeling of accomplishment for all the training hours/pain/time I put in was all so worth it!

I compare that training to the #MKMMA. Even when I was behind this week I knew what the payoff would be if I buckled up and got all my assignments done, the readings and sayings I am on top off, but the book work and webinar I missed left me with a sick feeling in my gut that I hated missing, but now that I have caught up and back on track, amazing feeling of I CAN DO IT NOW!

Without those words, and this course training my subby I CAN BE WHAT I WILL TO BE, I know I would not have finished my race as fast, as strong, and as confident as I did!

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Week #7 – Under Construction


This week in MK chapter 7, Hannel shares that “Thought Force is the most valuable force. nothing is beyond human comprehension. Work is required. Remember that Thought is the Fire that created the steam that turns the wheel of fortune, upon which your experiences depend. ”

It was really profound what he shares in 7-9-11: The Architect sees the building as he wished it to be. His thoughts become a plastic mold, and his vision takes shape on paper to create” . This helped me by thinking of the construction of the Freedom Towers in NYC to replace the World trade Center Buildings. Much thought and planning  went into the end design, and many edits,  before a single blueprint was drawn or hole dug in the ground.

This is the same with our DMP, our purpose, desire, and needs. We first have to develop in the mind, and get control of our thoughts. The exercises thus far have been fun, challenging, time consuming, overwhelming, all these emotions but Necessary to get control of our thinking to bring into clear, detailed view of our DMPs. The editing of our DMPs now makes total sense as Davene points out in the audio.

Hannel shares in 7-18: “Make the mental image clear, distinct, perfect, hold it firmly, supply will follow the demand, you will be led to do the right thing at the right time ad in the right way.” We have the power to manifest the thru Earnest Desire: Feeling, Confident Expectation: Thought, and Firm Demand – Will. These three CANNOT FAIL to bring about Attainment!! ” Thats powerful and so incredibly liberating that it is in my control to bring about my DMP!! Buck stops here!!

So the Movie poster, the compasses, the service cards, the music audio of our DMP, repeated is attacking our old blueprint bringing forth the new habit, the SIT, the readings, our DMP pushed into our Subby  through as may methods of learning as possible so we can make it happen!! All the tools the #MKMMA staff are using are coming together and I am really seeing my DMP in my mind all the time now and the colors are finally coming together, on recycle day blue rectangles are everywhere every Thursday!! Which is TODAY!! and my blue shape is Business Growth and Income!!!!! Also walked a property yesterday that I have on my movie poster, I am circling it in prayer and believing it or a property like it will be ours paid in full by Jan 31 2016!!! Its all just math isnt it????

We now hold the Master Keys!!

Live Loud! Cheers,

Wendy Abner


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Week #6 – Giving really works!!

I have had an incredible week of moments that can only be explained by the Law of Compensation by Emerson we are reading. Give to get! Well upon adding the Giving cards to our daily reads, I have also been following a lady by the name of Shannel Cooper Sykes in her Miracle week. What is so incredible is she has been speaking and empowering her students to give away $1.00 a day to anyone, and then added give away something that means a great deal to you to put us in Divine FLOW of Miracles! Well this is exactly what Emerson is teaching us as well as well as Hannel in the Master Keys Chapter 5 and 6. BAM it all came together for me and was confirmed outside of #MKMMA!! That we must give away at all times, our love, hope, encouragement, tangible objects, in order to tap into DIVINE FLOW where the receiving happens on autopilot!

That is exactly what happened the day I gifted my favorite Lance Armstrong bike helmet to my sons teacher who I knew did not have a helmet and rides her bike to school every day. That afternoon I get a letter from IRS in the mail saying our account I had been working on to get resolved was cleared and we owe ZERO!!! WOW, BAM, I gave and I got!! This incredible knowledge of the power of our mind is really off the hook and I am just loving the fact that I can position myself to receive all day, every day at will!! By expecting miracles, saying outloud with unbriddled enthusiasm I CAN BE WHAT I WILL TO BE, and DO IT NOW, Miracles are happening NOW, we bring the Universe in alignment with our desires, and doors start opening, introductions to people happen, letters in mail appear, money flows to us easily, growth in our business explodes! So I encourage all my #MKMMA ers that if you are not experiencing the miracles of divine flow, GIVE MORE, and you will, SPEAK LOUDER, MORE ENTHUSIASTICALLY and EXPECT and BELIEVE it will happen, that which you desire – DMP, PPN! realized! Kentucky Horse park and surrounding horse farms in Lexington KY

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Week -5 I think I threw a rod in my Brain Lol



WOW, this week has made my brain feel like I threw a rod!! Literally, after reading Emerson Law of Compensation, I had to take a nap and rest my brain cells because they were so tired from thinking and processing the language and information. This is really a Graduate Class on reprogramming our minds! Renewing of the mind!! Replacing bad habits with NEW habits. Its working cause I had smoke coming out of my ears after reading Emerson and all of our reading assignments. Incredible growth I am discovering.

The Master Key lesson for this week read by Davene was amazing and so well connected to Emerson, and am thankful she chose to assign both in same week because they are so aligned with each other, think that what was really what caused my overheating in the brain!! lol.

Also, I  had an AHHA moment that I finally get the colors and shapes!! While Mark was explaining on the webinar how he now sees Red circles and BAM its his Health, I have Liberty for Red Circle as my PPN! I get it now!! I had been just putting down the colors and shapes and really was not getting it and realized I was doing it all wrong, so I rewrote my cards with the right shapes and colors with the right PPN, Service, etc and now BAM! I am looking for the shapes and colors and connecting them to my PPN of Liberty and Recognition of Creative Expression. So the colors coming together I am now recognizing them on autopilot and it is bringing into my mind what I am seeking and speaking into existence. This is so powerful and anyone can chose to change their mindset and old blueprint.

I am enjoying sharing a few tips of these past few weeks with my husband and children and having them speak Do it Now, I can Be what I will to be!! this is a Movement!! Thrilled to be a part of it and cant believe its only week 5!!!!! Thank you for following me on this journey!



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Week 4 – Going Automatic

Sunset Horse Latitudes By The Family Dog

Week 4 and its starting to really take hold of my thoughts. The Visual of our DREAM HOME as we watch our daughters horses running in the fields and smell the fresh scent of the farm as we sit on the lanai of our 6 bedroom Country Estate is an amazing fulfillment to my soul. I can actually smell the scent, feel the cool breeze and hear the horses as they gallop by in their pasture. WOW!!

The challenge to go ALL IN, 100%, I CAN BE WHAT I WILL TO BE is really TRUE!! So the assignments are becoming Habits, Good habits as I am seeking to become their slave, am replacing old habits of procrastination, non belief, hoping, allowing negativity to enter in my mind , and defeat. These readings, silent and outloud are kicking my old habits to the curb!! No room for both!

I must say that the Science we learned this week with the Master Key lesson 4 and the video on the neurons, peptides and how we form either positive or negative chains and they take over was incredible! ” Thoughts that fire together stay together” is the proof I needed to fully comprehend the feelings connection to our desires and speaking them to the frontal lobe. As a Science Teacher, the physiology made such sense to me and an AHHA moment was had. Practice Practice Practice our Master Key, our Scrolls, our Blueprint, our DMP, our Service cards, linking all this together to Be What I will to be!! BAM!!  I am so thrilled to continue on this journey to see more AHHA moments and connections as everything comes together to teach my mind to attract that which I desire! The WORK is going to be SO WORTH IT!! I feel like I am just taking off the runway, and wheels are about to lift off! So many small miracles happening with these lessons, I am counting them all as My NEW LIFE!

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Week 3 – Practice, Read it, Speak it, Repeat

Well week 3 is already here and I must say the work load is becoming more of a habit than assignments to me now. “I form good habits and become their slave.” Og Madino. Certainly our daily assignments are becoming habitual as I look forward to the next reading, the DMP movie trailer to read outloud with UNBRIDDLED ENTHUSIASM!! My Subby now knows to not let me go to sleep before I have read the Scrolls and my DMP! This is amazing to me that I focus on these before going to bed, my New habits, which will bring me my hearts desires, instead of my favorite rerun of Criminal Minds. HEHE.

Editing my Definite Major Purpose is really starting to sink into what I truly desire, in graphic detail. I am getting a clearer picture of what my DMP and Personal Pivotal Needs are, and surprisingly, during the exercise from week 2, I change one of them from before. I did the write with your left hand and close my eyes exercise from the webinar and picked Recognition of Creative Expression and Liberty. I realized my deep desire is to be on stage/coaching/teaching and I am thankful for that exercise to point that out to me. My MKMMA coach gave me some great tips on how to dial in my language with my DMP to get my Subby to clearly understand what I desire so it can start bringing it to realization.

I found learning the science in the Master Key week 3 to be quite intriguing. Having a graduate degree in exercise science made my understanding of how the Subby works very understandable and I have several AHHA moments with the power of the Lymbic System to live from intention, and the 3 R’s ( Risk, Reward, and Ratio)

The Chore chart and colors I would say I am not seeing the connection yet but have full faith I will with completing tasks and colors/shapes associated with it. I will press on to gain this connection so my Subby gets alot of feedback of WELL DONE! DO IT NOW!


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Week 2 – Getting Organzied and Practicing

Week 2 is getting serious, real serious!! as John Wooden says on Achievement and Greatness ” Most of it is practice; the rest of it is work.” And this week the WORK has begun. A calendar to set my priorities was extremely helpful as I had a wedding week 1 and was out of town for 4 days not have a short vacation with the family tomorrow  until  Saturday I had to get my written DMP and blog in before we leave and pack my assignments to take to do daily. Organization with this course I can see is critical as it would be easy to not have with me one of the assignments to read out loud or my cards. So I also have in my purse a list of my daily assignments and posted to my phone calendar reminders like 12 noon to read master Key Scroll 1.  I have felt a bit pressured to get all the readings in daily, and have a place where I can get alone and sit. I am looking forward to next week as I will not be traveling and can get settles into a better routine. Guess this has been a good thing to have this in week 1 and 2 so I would know how to adjust as this is a 26 week course and the holidays, birthdays, other events will come up to require me to be flexible and adjust. Life does not stay stagnant and I am really putting my BEST foot forward as they say to stay ahead and not get overwhelmed. I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW this course and this group of trainers in Mark J and Davene and staff I have had the pleasure to be connected with thru Go90Grow is a God assignment and I will push through the HEROS Journey with all of you and if you are reading this and not in these courses, I highly suggest you get plugged into the NEXT Go90Grow course coming up! Best investment in a training EVER, and I have taken quite a few and spent alot of $$ on personal development, networking courses over the years trying to find the SECRET on HOW FOLKS MAKE 6 and 7 figures?? Well, I have finally learned there are NONE, its ME that has to BE! And I am thrilled to share with you my journey thru MKMMA via this blog. Cheers, Wendy

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